Seaprincess1...still believes in Shooting Stars! Welcome to my special place where I can unleash my creativity and what ever is on my mind.Follow me I promise I will make it interesting =D

Monday, December 21, 2009
HAPPY Holidays!!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Yesterday as I arrived home and my Niece and Nephew (they are living with us) were waiting for me to eat dinner. Well when I saw how happy they looked as they ate their dinner. It brought joy to my heart. I know they are being taken care of and they are happy. They have both told My mom at different times and when the other was not around " Grandma I love You". Children equate Love with care and when a parent/ adult meets their needs they equate that to love.
Today as I arrived to work I received my email from Feeding America (formerly named America's Second Harvest). I remembered the joy in the eyes of D and B and how much they enjoyed their dinner. And I realized how important food is to a child. And how No child should go with out eating.
So today I am asking any one who reads this Blog. to Get involved. Make a Donation to this great Org. and put warm meals at the table for other kids to enjoy.
I know times are hard but we still have a lot to be thankful..also remember all donation no matter how small can and will make a difference.
follow the link and make your tax deduct able donation and help feed America.
Love Liz xoxo
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Love.. an Endless Game... He Said.. She said
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thank You!!
Thank you to the mothers and fathers, brothers, sisters, wives, and children whose loved one is serving or has served in the military, and a Specially to those who have lost a loved one.
and to the Fallen Soldiers and the ones who are in Active Duty, and to our Veterans , I thank You for providing me with freedoms that have come at such a great cost.
I thank you for selfishly putting on that uniform and placing your life in harms way to protect this nation.
There are two things that I choose never to write or discuss because I have respect for others , but Today I will mention both of them .
1. Religion , Thank you for giving me the right to believe and worship GOD, and for that I ask him in the name of his only son JESUS to Protect and keep you safe. I ask him to be with you on those lonely nights as you walk in harms way , I ask him to be with you at your side and most importantly I ask him to bring you all back Home.
2. Politics.. I would like to express how much I support our Armed Forces, but I value their lives more than anything else, and I would love it if our new President would actually keep his campaign promise which was to bring the Troops back home, Instead of deploying more to Afghanistan!.
Empty promises is not what we need, a moment of silence is nice, but seeing someone alive is better. Staring at the Pictures of fallen soldiers for TV time is just a gesture.. deciding to bring them all back that is Action!!!
The say they are fighting terrorists abroad, in reality we have that here at home, worry more about your citizens and protect them and your service men.
Blood is to much of a High Price to pay. Some times a wise man .. decides to retreat and win .. instead of continue the fight and loose more lives.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
HI.. Long Time...No hear !!
I haven't even gone to the gym in 3 weeks... OMG!! I can not allow that to happen I am on a mission and I will conquer..
break is over.. just wanted to tell you whenever you feel like life ,parents, work, school are drowning you.. always look up and call upon Jesus.. he is always right there waiting to give you a hand.
Blessings and XOXOX... Liz
Sunday, October 25, 2009
U2 on You Tube
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Yeah!!! work day is over ,time to hit the Gym
Monday, October 12, 2009
Wild Things !!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Sex and the City 2
Eagerly and Patiently Awaiting
I have been so patient.. I purchased the Style Black Collection on line Last week and they took for ever to ship. The Mineralized Shadows had SOLD out at my local Macy's and I had no time to make it to the MAC Pro Store. So I decided to Order them online.. regret it.. I have been waiting for my goodies for a Long long time. They should arrive today and I will post swatches ASAP.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
MMmmmm.. Sprinkles.. Pink Ribbon Cupcakes
Hello everyone.. Just wanted to tell you about something really interesting.
I just finished devouring 3/4 of my Pink Ribbon/ Strawberry sprinkles cupcake.
so so yummy =D and it's for such a Good cause.
Sprinkles will donate 100% of the Proceeds from these YUMMY treats to The Entertainment Industry Foundations for Women's Cancer Research Fund.
They are available from 10/01 /09 - 10/07/09 . So please stop by or order some online.
If you are like me and have lost a loved one to cancer and type of cancer please purchase at least one.. it will make a different . Maybe in the future some kid out there won't have to loose their Mom, Grandmother or Sister to cancer.
love ya seaprincess xoxo
to order on line go here =) ...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Fire Drill
I guess its to make it easy for the fire fighters to come and get us after the fire has consumed the building.. they only have to search specific floors...who knows
But in all seriousness when something does happen it won't be this well planned and executed. It pretty much will be every person for themselves.
gotta go I am on Fire duty..
Monday, September 21, 2009
Ribbons 4 Sale on Ebay
Thoughtful *&*
yesterday I worked to give you a better today, Today I work to give you a better tomorrow.. tomorrow comes and I work to give you a better after tomorrow.. but when will I stop to work to be able to enjoy you today.. so that tomorrow when you or I are gone I will have no regrets.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Sometimes I wish I was not a responsible person, =) ha Ha .. If it were up to me I would be a Beach Bum.. live by the code of the waves.. wake up get in the water , lunch time be in the water night time sleep by the water. But alas poor Yorik.. I am too responsible to just leave everything behind and become a beach bum.. maybe I will have better luck with my other option .. Vampire.. eternal youth and eternal Life..
As you can see I am out there today see I feel like a vampire rarely get the rays of the sun.. and I so much miss my clouds..
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Study Time
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Mac Haul!!!

But let me tell you about Wednesday, after I took D to school , I had a date with MAC . This was my very first Mac Haul and I loved it. See I had gotten a gift card for Christmas from my B-Friend ( he accidentally broke my Channel Compact and decided to replace it with a Mac Card). And I did not have time to make it to the Store to choose my Items. YES!!! can you believe it , 9 months with a Mac Gift Card.. the insanity =).
He said the Gift card was to be used for Eye shadows. He had also bought me a 12 shadow Pallet and I was supposed to use the Gift card to fill it up. But I did not find colors that I liked (actually that I did not have anything close to ) . So I only bought 7 eye shadows. and I used the rest to get some other goodies.
1. Mineralized Skin finish
2. Mineralize Blush - Gleeful
3. Lip Glass - Cult Fave
4. Kohl Pencil - Smolder
5. Paint Pot- Indianwood
6. Eye Brow Pencil - Spiked
7. Courdoroy
8. Phloof
9. Goldmine
10. Shadowy Lady
11. Nocturnell
12. Contrast
13. Sushi flower
14. Kitschmas
15. Plushglass - FullFilled
Ps. If there is anything that you guys think is a Mac must have please let me know..I really liked this Pigment called Pink Pearl, but they had sold out of it.. so I am waiting for it. Like I said this was my First time trying their makke up , I used Channel and I loved it, so I am not that knowledgeable as some of you out there.
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Just got back from watching the Hayao Miyazaki Film "Ponyo". I loved it I am a huge Miyazaki Fan, if you have not seen any of his movies I highly recommend the following;and they can be found here
His movies are amazing and they are all about "Girl Power" , his main characters are almost , always young girls who overcome obstacles and realize how strong they are inside. They manage to survive the obstacles and become Heroines. I love all of his movies, such a gifted man and they speak to me, I become the characters and learn from them. And with my nephews help, he easily identifies me as the characters in each of the movies, so I am Kiki and he is my side kick black cat, I am Sophie and he is the magicians apprentice. when you see these movies you are transported to a dream like place and become part of the story. As you can tell I LOVE HAYAO MIYAZAKI!!!
Legally Blond the Musical
I am sorry I was not able to enter any new posts.. Have been super busy at work..=(
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wish the week was over !!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Liz On WEIGHT!!!!
This mind over body game went on till I had completed one hour on the elliptical and after 6 miles , I was done and satisfied.
As you can see I am on a weight loss Journey and I am taking NO Prisoners. I have to drop 20 more pounds.
So let me tell you my Story, Love, Stress, Work (Office Work) and No exercise can all do a mean and big number on your waistline. And So I went from being a 103 - 115 lb Taekwondo competitor.. to a 120 Lb Macy's sales Associate to a 135lb +++ file clerk.. and from there it all went to hell.
so last year around my B-day , I gave myself the best gift ever a membership to the Gym. And I have been going religiously to work out. Had a couple of road blocks .. Last year 3 months after starting I fell on my butt and fracture my tail bone. So it took me out for about a month and I gained what little I had lost..
But Now I am finally seeing results.. and boy does it feel good.
I have documented my self through the process and I can finally see my old body (pre weight) emerging from underneath the layers of fat.
My clothes are fitting me loosely and I have to keep going. See its not about size, its about how good you feel about your self and I was not feeling good =(.. felt embarrassed all I would hear was "Oh My God you gained weight" or "don't gain any More weight" . What made it worst was that it was coming from people who were not Skinny or fit , but they had the nerve to criticize.
So I am regaining control of my body and I am going back to a good weight for my height. And I feel good about myself.
Along the way I learned that people can be mean and treat you differently just by your weight.. so sad.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Happy Monday!!!! Happy Birthday MOM!!
So hello everyone.. I am so sorry for not posting this weekend, but on Saturday I was in a comma induced by all the Smoke due to the Fires. YIKES!! we are actually close , on Friday as I was getting home, I was able to see the blazing mountains.. I said to myself.. hey that's too close..and that was the reason why I felt like I was walking around in an oven.
Then it got better all that smoke made the already bad L.A. Air even worst,I had the worst allergies ever,I felt like I had a cold, all stuffy and my eyes were all red and Puffy.. So Saturday I just wanted to sleep and avoid the outdoors and air completely. And that Huge Cloud of smoke and bad stuff that was hovering over the horizon and really close to Downtown L.A.
Sunday went to Church and went all around town to get my Mom her treats to celebrate her 62nd Birthday!!
HAPPY 62nd Birthday Mom!!
Yummy Strawberry filled cake from
Actually her birthday is today, but we cut her cake yesterday.
* will post pictures later
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Feeling the Heat!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
WORK!!!! Kills....
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Obachans Garden... must see
Heart Shaped Cherries
The sky was foggy, smoky and the sweet smell of burning wood was all around me.
I said WOW!! What's Burning ??
Then I remember , that The Angeles National Forest was experiencing their yearly Fires.
I liked it even less when I notice my cell Phone had No Coverage.
"Great "I said what if I have an emergency ?
So not a cool feeling.. And the FIRE signs did not help. I saw signs that said
MixPod Play List
The Teddy bear is so cute if you want one just click on my bear and it will take you there.
I added some of my Favorite songs.. Old Ones, New Ones, Spiritual Ones, I love Music.
Ps. If you don't want to listen to the Music.. Please Pause it =)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
To GOD goes all the Glory !!
Yesterday I logged into my Schools web site and I found pictures of my Commencement Exercise. So I went through the whole Library to see the expressions on every graduates face, and I loved seeing their faces. I saw Tears, Happy Smiles, Eyes deep in search for their love ones among the multitude of faces. And a whole lot of Cell Phones..=D
And it brought back memories, on that day as I was walking towards the stage I felt this unexplainable feeling. My eyes started to tear up (after I had told myself "Don't cry" ).
But it was unexplainable..I felt a rush of emotions all in seconds.. two steps away from the stage as my name was being chopped when being called out.. all I said was Thank You GOD!!
I was overwhelmed by what I was about to experience, see I had a hard time getting my degree, I had family obligations to my parents that I needed to focus on , that took me away from school for a couple of semesters, but I have no regrets, I grew up and I became responsible. I had to get a full time Job and help support my parents, and on paper it shows that I was no longer a dependent student and now I was considered independent so they kinda want you to pay your tuition. So it was almost impossible to be able to work full time and afford to attend school. But I am so grateful to God that he opened the door and made it possible. I could not have done it with out the support of certain angels. First and Foremost THANK YOU!! GOD for giving me the strenght to accomplish this. Second Thank you to all my UCKG/IURD Pastors for their Prayers and their Guidance and for teaching me that "with out Sacrifice", nothing can be accomplished. At work my friends had to cover me on the days I was not in, And my special partner in crime who would go with me to look for supplies,and books that I needed . He would look on E-Bay and for texts at a reduced price than what the book store was selling them. and I had to work on weekends to make up my work hours and of course a big Thank You to my HR. and former Manager and new manager for working with me and allowing me to work the weekends so that I could afford to go to school two days out of the week. And many co-workers and friends who believed in my potential and who supported me emotionally, always telling me how proud they were.
That meant the world and kept me going. Specially on my many sleepless nights , see I had 2 days for school and had to get assignments done in the evening because I had work the following day. Many days I was running on 3 hours of sleep. All that rushed into my mind as I was walking up to the stage. And at that moment I was pleased with myself. I began my college career trying to please my mother. But I finished it pleasing myself and learning that there is no such thing as impossible, when we put our minds to it.
But the best part was sharing this with my nephew and Inspiring him. Seeing the Sparkle in his little brown eyes and listening to him tell me how he is going to go to College and he is going to have a Blue car and take me shopping. That was as Master Card says -- Priceless!!
- Abnormal Psychology Text book on ebay: $60
- "A" on a term paper that took the whole night : $10
- The Look on my nephews face as he wore my Cap and imagined himself a College Graduate:
Monday, August 24, 2009
Beach Day and Shamu
Hello and Happy Monday =D
Hope you had a great weekend. I want to share some Pictures of my nephew Damien, who loves the beach almost as much as I do.. and he loves Shamu ( aka --Orca - Killer Whales)
We act like clowns when we go to the beach, he pretends he is a stranded whale and I pretend like I am going to help him get back into water or try to capture him and take him home LOL. But what ever we decide to play, we always have a great day.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Happy Sunday!
Happy Sunday!!! Went to church and now I feel revived =)
What a Lovely Day
Saturday, August 22, 2009
BAG : to CARRY ALL YOUR BOOKS..make it cute and Fashionable, but if you have a ton of books get a rolling back pack , your back will thank you for it.
JEANS: STAPLE FOR A BUSY LIFE - the Gap is having a sale on all their 1969 Jeans.. so cute
But if you need to buy the text go to Ebay or they might have the book cheaper.. also don't write on your book if you are planning on reselling it. The bookstore will pay less for books with markings.
Also sale it to a student and not the bookstore, they will give you less than what it is worth or list it on ebay.
NETWORK: No Not with friends.. that is a given , but network with the Faculty and staff. Remember when you are looking for scholarships, internships and applying to Grad school you will need 3 letters of recommendations. So let the faculty get to know you and let them see your interest and potential.. it will benefit you in the long run. Trust me
SUPPORT: Find a support group specially if you are a first generation college student. This will be very beneficial to you in the long run.
PASS KNOWLEDGE; Just like I am doing, don't forget to pass it on to others remember we are the firsts therefore We Need To Hold The Door Open To Let Others In, and not be selfish and close it behind us.
MY RECOMMENDATIONS.: FIRST SEMESTER take a light load.. an also take a class that you love, like dance, aerobics , swimming , art , what ever it might be.. that is very good to relax and it helps you a lot.
If you are a bit nervous.. tell your self you are excited and tell your self you are ready for this new venture.. try to do your best and don't be afraid to ask for help.. ask questions and you will be ok..
Get to know your campus.. walk around and see what is where and also be cautious specially when you are in the parking structures.. remember almost all Universities are Open Campuses.. anyone can walk in
ID:: you will have to take an ID picture.. so wear something that you love , you will be stuck with that Picture..for a couple of years .. or until you loose it =( but then you are going to have to pay to retake the picture and sometimes like in my school they want to use the same picture on file =(..ugh@!
Well Good Luck and get your Brain on Study Mode.. Forget about all those mean HS Teachers that might have said you were not college material , I tell you, you are and University life is so much easier than High School... you make your own schedule..and choose the days you want to go to school.
Also make an appointment with your ACADEMIC advisor.. go to the Grown Ups.. not the student workers.. they can be mean and remember they are students. Make it a habit to go to the Deans Office and ask them to guide you in your college career and choose an Advisor.. it can be any Professor, so choose one that you like and that's looks like He/ She knows a couple of things.
PLAGIARISM: Don't DO IT!! it can get you kicked out from School.. what is it?
I will use WIKIPEDIA
Notice I am giving credit to the source and I am in no way claiming that this is my original thought or work and neither are they , they reference 1995 Random House Compact Unabridged Dictionary.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Plagiarism, as defined in the 1995 Random House Compact Unabridged Dictionary, is the "use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work."[1] Within academia, plagiarism by students, professors, or researchers is considered academic dishonesty or academic fraud and offenders are subject to academic censure, up to and includingexpulsion. In journalism, plagiarism is considered a breach of journalistic ethics, and reporters caught plagiarizing typically face disciplinary measures ranging from suspension to termination. Some individuals caught plagiarizing in academic or journalistic contexts claim that they plagiarized unintentionally, by failing to include quotations or give the appropriate citation. While plagiarism in scholarship and journalism has a centuries-old history, the development of the Internet, where articles appear as electronic text, has made the physical act of copying the work of others much easier.
In other Words.. don't Cheat and copy someone Else's work, stories, thought be it written spoken or from On line sources with out giving that source credit. And by all means NEVER EVER buy a Report or a Term Paper from On line.. Professors Know.. and that can and will get you kicked out from school and it will be hard to get into any other respectable University , because you will be labeled as a Plagiarizer, Thief , Liar, Copy cat.. etc.. etc..
Plagiariser - someone who uses another person's words or ideas as if they were his own