DREAM Act news: With bill stalled in Senate, what happens next?
I am paying close attention to this because it is a topic dear to my heart. I am a Citizen of this country, but I was not born here. I like hundreds of thousands of students, children and young men and women was brought to this country as a child by my mother. I understand that by her doing so, she was breaking the law. But my mother took the chance because she wanted to give me a Chance. A chance at a different life than hers. My mother and I were born in El Salvador, she lacked the opportunity to obtain and education because she was born in poverty and had to start to work at the age of 8 years old. At the age of 16 she found a job as a nanny and a cook in the homes of foreign diplomats. But after I was born in her late 20's she left her country and family and made the dangerous journey to the States where she worked as a house keeper for more than 30 years. She washed toilets and cleaned houses to give me a better life. At 63 her hands are damaged from the cleaning materials she used to clean the homes of many Americans.
Kind hearted people who had love and compassion and hired her because she was a good woman and they could trust her with their home. In the 80's when President Ronald Reagan passed the Immigration act, which made it illegal to hire illegal immigrants, he also gave an Amnesty to millions, of whom I was one of them. Thanks to that small window he opened I was able to become a legal resident and eventually a Citizen.
My mother worked 7 days a week and pride herself in providing for me food and shelter, she never received welfare, and she never applied for Medical, and always worked and payed her taxes. I was able to attend Public school , and I was so grateful to have that opportunity and I took the gift of knowledge that she and this country had given me and I ran with it.
I am now urging and sending emails to my Representatives and even opened a twitter account to follow the Senators who now hold the power to give an opportunity like the one I once received to many very well deserving children and young men and women. And above all I am Praying to He who is the King of Kings and who holds the earth in the Palm of his hands ,to touch the heart of those who hold the authority to pass this Dream Act.
I was brought here not by choice, but by choice I became a Citizen of this Nation and I am proud to call myself and American, I urge all to contact your representative and give some one like myself a chance to achieve their American Dream.
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