

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fun..Fun and more Fun

Hello every one and greeting from one of the most sunniest weekends in a very long time and I am in Los Angeles, so we have sunny days. But this weekend was weird.. it was summer time sunny weekend. Last week my nephews had their Holiday program and it was so adorable.. My niece sang the Blixon Boogie and my nephew sand one of my favorites from when Alvin used to sing it, Xmas don't be late.

and Yesterday we went to Universal Studios to see the Lighting of the Tree at Who vile.. yes they have the Grinch that Stole Christmas. I will post some pictures tomorrow. I just wanted to say Hope your weekend was a great one.. and may you all have a wonderful week.

Here are a Few Pictures from Universal
 this tree was so huge I wanted to get it all , but my nephews and Jo were already looking like ants, so I missed the star on top.
 My nephew loves Movies , so when he sees the Universal Studios logo he has to have it.. I was having such a hard time taking this picture.. People kept getting in front on me and messing up my pix.

 and King Kong was the main reason we were at the park anyways so on our way to the Theme Park we walk thru City walk and look who we found all ready for Xmas

This is for you Desperate Housewives Lovers.. do you recognize the houses.. Yes Wisteria Lane.

and then we saw the crashed airplane that appears in the movie War of the Worlds

and Finally we got to Skull Island.. these Pictures are not my greatest , but we were moving on that tram so I had to try my best to snap some Pictures.

and Who ville..

and the Reason Why I was there.. to see this baby lite.. but as always camera dies and I need to use my cell phone.. so as soon as I transfer my Pix to my computer  I will post the Pix of the tree in the night all shinny

anyways I had so much fun.. but I was tired we walked the whole day only stopped for Lunch at Wolfgang Puck big mistake.. LOL.... I enjoyed my food and so did my friend but my nephews ..hated the pizza.. it was the smelliest stinkiest pizza ever.. and they refused to eat it.. I don't blame was smelly, but i tried it.. once u get passed the aroma of the cheese  it was good.. I was headed to Pandas Express, but Jo wanted WP so we did.. never again, not with the kids at least.

According to eBay we have 13 more days till Xmas... yeah!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your lucky! I wish I lived in Cali so I could watch the grinch that stole christmas at Universal Studio. Hope you had fun :)
