

Monday, August 31, 2009

Happy Monday!!!! Happy Birthday MOM!!

So hello everyone.. I am so sorry for not posting this weekend, but on Saturday I was in a comma induced by all the Smoke due to the Fires. YIKES!! we are actually close , on Friday as I was getting home, I was able to see the blazing mountains.. I said to myself.. hey that's too close..and that was the reason why I felt like I was walking around in an oven.
Then it got better all that smoke made the already bad L.A. Air even worst,I had the worst allergies ever,I felt like I had a cold, all stuffy and my eyes were all red and Puffy.. So Saturday I just wanted to sleep and avoid the outdoors and air completely. And that Huge Cloud of smoke and bad stuff that was hovering over the horizon and really close to Downtown L.A.

Sunday went to Church and went all around town to get my Mom her treats to celebrate her 62nd Birthday!!

HAPPY 62nd Birthday Mom!!

Yummy Strawberry filled cake from
 Phoenix Bakery in China Town
and her special request, Thai Food. =) Yummy.

Actually her birthday is today, but we cut her cake yesterday.
* will post pictures later

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Feeling the Heat!!

Hello , I was so busy yesterday at work that I had no time to post .. I am home today roasting away, It feels like it is 100 degrees or hotter. I know we are never happy, Californian used to have nice weather, but in the last couple of years, we have experienced some weird temperatures.  Sometimes its cold and we wish it was warm. Today is HOT!!! and I wish it was Cold.  All I am asking is for normal weather.  Today  I feel like melting. 

Thursday, August 27, 2009

WORK!!!! Kills....

I am taking a small break from the insanity that work brings. Just to say Hello and Thank You , to my new friends who are following my blog and who have posted comments.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Obachans Garden... must see

I am watching this Movie called Obachas Garden please copy this on your web browser and go see it.. very interesting story.

It is a really good movie based on a true story.
The Story of a Great grandmother who lost her family in Japan 
due to an Earthquake and the Dropping of the Bomb. 
And how that affected her life.
It makes me realize how blessed I am.
And it reminds me how different the lives of women were in the past.
I can't help but be so grateful that I am living in this time.
More importantly it makes me appreciate the women who came
before all of us. They had some hard choices and live 
through some very difficult times. But they managed to survive, that is character.

Heart Shaped Cherries

Today as I was on my way to work , I felt like I was in the mist of a BBQ Party.
The sky was foggy, smoky and the sweet smell of burning wood was all around me.
I said WOW!! What's Burning ??
Then I remember , that The Angeles National Forest was experiencing their yearly Fires.
So I remembered that some time in July we passed through the Forest on our way to a Cherry Picking Farm.
I wanted to show my nephew that cherries do not grow in supermarkets =D.
I remember that when we got to the forest I was a bit scared, see I don't like wooded and lonely places, because I keep remembering those movies where the victim always ends up in the woods.
I liked it even less when I notice my cell Phone had No Coverage.
"Great "I said what if I have an emergency ?
So not a cool feeling.. And the FIRE signs did not help. I saw signs that said
"Warning Fire can Break at any moment"!
Mmm.. maybe this was not such a good idea.
But it turn out to be fun, here are some of the pictures that I found.
We loved the heart shape Cherries and the yellow ones were so sweet.

MixPod Play List

I just found this cool site, and I was able to make a Playlist and add it to my Blog.. I love it..

The Teddy bear is so cute if you want one just click on my bear and it will take you there.
I added some of my Favorite songs.. Old Ones, New Ones, Spiritual Ones, I love Music.

Ps. If you don't want to listen to the Music..  Please Pause it =)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

To GOD goes all the Glory !!

Yesterday I logged into my Schools web site and I found pictures of my Commencement Exercise. So I went through the whole Library to see the expressions on every graduates face, and I loved seeing their faces. I saw Tears, Happy Smiles, Eyes deep in search for their love ones among the multitude of faces. And a whole lot of Cell Phones..=D

And it brought back memories, on that day as I was walking towards the stage I felt this unexplainable feeling. My eyes started to tear up (after I had told myself "Don't cry" ).

But it was unexplainable..I felt a rush of emotions all in seconds.. two steps away from the stage as my name was being chopped when being called out.. all I said was Thank You GOD!!
I was overwhelmed by what I was about to experience, see I had a hard time getting my degree, I had family obligations to my parents that I needed to focus on , that took me away from school for a couple of semesters, but I have no regrets, I grew up and I became responsible. I had to get a full time Job and help support my parents, and on paper it shows that I was no longer a dependent student and now I was considered independent so they kinda want you to pay your tuition. So it was almost impossible to be able to work full time and afford to attend school. But I am so grateful to God that he opened the door and made it possible. I could not have done it with out the support of certain angels. First and Foremost THANK YOU!! GOD for giving me the strenght to accomplish this. Second Thank you to all my UCKG/IURD Pastors for their Prayers and their Guidance and for teaching me that "with out Sacrifice", nothing can be accomplished. At work my friends had to cover me on the days I was not in, And my special partner in crime who would go with me to look for supplies,and books that I needed . He would look on E-Bay and for texts at a reduced price than what the book store was selling them. and I had to work on weekends to make up my work hours and of course a big Thank You to my HR. and former Manager and new manager for working with me and allowing me to work the weekends so that I could afford to go to school two days out of the week. And many co-workers and friends who believed in my potential and who supported me emotionally, always telling me how proud they were.

That meant the world and kept me going. Specially on my many sleepless nights , see I had 2 days for school and had to get assignments done in the evening because I had work the following day. Many days I was running on 3 hours of sleep. All that rushed into my mind as I was walking up to the stage. And at that moment I was pleased with myself. I began my college career trying to please my mother. But I finished it pleasing myself and learning that there is no such thing as impossible, when we put our minds to it.

But the best part was sharing this with my nephew and Inspiring him. Seeing the Sparkle in his little brown eyes and listening to him tell me how he is going to go to College and he is going to have a Blue car and take me shopping. That was as Master Card says -- Priceless!!

  • Abnormal Psychology Text book on ebay: $60
  • "A" on a term paper that took the whole night : $10
( Monster Energy Drink and Green Tea)
  • The Look on my nephews face as he wore my Cap and imagined himself a College Graduate:


I also have a 4 year old Niece and I hope that when she gets older, I am also able to Inspire her.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Beach Day and Shamu

Hello and Happy Monday =D
Hope you had a great weekend. I want to share some Pictures of my nephew Damien, who loves the beach almost as much as I do.. and he loves Shamu ( aka --Orca - Killer Whales)

We act like clowns when we go to the beach, he pretends he is a stranded whale and I pretend like I am going to help him get back into water or try to capture him and take him home LOL. But what ever we decide to play, we always have a great day.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Happy Sunday!

Happy Sunday!!! Went to church and now I feel revived =)
Today I am going to share with you some of my make up collection. I got these pallets from coastal scents.. except the Neutral Pallet I got that one from a seller on E-bay that sells all the same stuff that coastal scents. The Prices are almost the same so I buy from coastal scents because they are based in the US and I think that will make them more accountable for their products.

I have both the 88 shimmer palette and the 88 reg. color palette

I am so excited to share this with you guys.. see I am a Tomboy who loves pink and make up , but I don't have that many female friends to share things with. Except Gris, but I only see her at work =( and no time to play and my Friends from the Youth Group at church, but like I said I work and went to school so did not have that much time to socialize .

What a Lovely Day

so yesterday I went outside and it was such a beautiful day, a bit hot but still beautiful. 

To my surprise i found this little fellow on my door, so i decided to take a picture and help him find his way back outside

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I just saw the trailer for this new movie called : LEGION... by Sony Pictures  set to be released in Jan 22, 2010
It looks like a very cool movie.. can't wait to see it.. go to this site to see the clip.. or trailer..

It looks awesome.. Angels, God , Prophecy.

 " the last time God send a Flood this time he sends Angels"

I just uploaded my first You Tube Video.. I have been wanting to do one in a long long time, but had nothing really interesting. I have a lot of Haul videos that I could have done, but my friends said that would be pretentious =(....I don't agree with that so I might just do them anyways =D

Anyways my video which the quality was not that good.. I need to buy a web cam.. was about University and tips on how to make your first semester easier on you. 

I have must haves for every college student

College Bound University 101


 BAG : to CARRY ALL YOUR BOOKS..make it cute and Fashionable, but if you have a ton of books get a rolling back pack , your back will thank you for  it. 

JEANS: STAPLE FOR A BUSY LIFE - the Gap is having a sale on all their 1969 Jeans.. so cute


But if you need to buy the text go to Ebay or they might have the book cheaper.. also don't write on your book if you are planning on reselling it. The bookstore will pay less for books with markings.

Also  sale it to a student and not the bookstore, they will give you less than what it is worth or list it on ebay.




NETWORK: No Not with friends.. that is a given , but network with the Faculty  and staff. Remember when you are looking for scholarships, internships and applying to Grad school you will need  3 letters of recommendations.  So let the faculty get to know you and let them see your interest and potential.. it will benefit you in the long run. Trust me 

SUPPORT: Find a support group specially if you are a first generation college student. This will be very beneficial to you in the long run. 


PASS KNOWLEDGE; Just like I am doing, don't forget to pass it on to others remember we are the firsts therefore  We Need To Hold The Door Open To Let Others In, and not be selfish and close it behind us.

 MY RECOMMENDATIONS.: FIRST SEMESTER  take a light load.. an also take a class that you love, like dance, aerobics , swimming , art , what ever it might be.. that is very good to relax and it helps you a lot.

If you are a bit nervous.. tell your self you are excited and  tell your self you are ready for this new venture.. try to do your best and don't be afraid to ask for help.. ask questions and you will be ok..

Get to know your campus.. walk around and see what is where and also be cautious specially when you are in the parking structures.. remember almost all Universities are Open Campuses.. anyone can walk in

ID::  you will have to take an ID picture.. so wear something that you love , you will be stuck  with that Picture..for a couple of years .. or until you loose it =(  but then you are going to have to pay to retake the picture and sometimes like in my school they want to use the same picture on file =(..ugh@!

Well Good Luck and get your Brain on Study Mode.. Forget about all those mean HS Teachers that might have said you were not college material , I tell you,  you are and University life is so much easier than High School... you make your own schedule..and choose the days you want to go to school.


Also make an appointment with your ACADEMIC advisor.. go to the Grown Ups.. not the student workers.. they can be mean and remember they are students. Make it a habit to go to the Deans Office and ask them to guide you in your college career and choose an Advisor.. it can be any Professor, so choose one that you like and that's looks like He/ She knows a couple of things.

PLAGIARISM: Don't DO IT!! it can get you kicked out from School.. what is it? 

 I will use WIKIPEDIA

Notice I am giving credit to the source and I am in no way claiming that this is my original thought  or work and neither are they , they reference 1995 Random House Compact Unabridged Dictionary.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Plagiarism, as defined in the 1995 Random House Compact Unabridged Dictionary, is the "use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work."[1] Within academia, plagiarism by students, professors, or researchers is considered academic dishonesty or academic fraud and offenders are subject to academic censure, up to and includingexpulsion. In journalism, plagiarism is considered a breach of journalistic ethics, and reporters caught plagiarizing typically face disciplinary measures ranging from suspension to termination. Some individuals caught plagiarizing in academic or journalistic contexts claim that they plagiarized unintentionally, by failing to include quotations or give the appropriate citation. While plagiarism in scholarship and journalism has a centuries-old history, the development of the Internet, where articles appear as electronic text, has made the physical act of copying the work of others much easier.

In other Words.. don't Cheat and copy someone Else's work, stories, thought be it written spoken or from On line sources with out giving that source credit. And by all means NEVER EVER buy a  Report or a Term Paper from On line.. Professors Know.. and that can and  will get you kicked out from school and it will be hard to get into any other respectable University , because you will be labeled as a Plagiarizer, Thief , Liar, Copy cat.. etc.. etc..

 Plagiariser - someone who uses another person's words or ideas as if they were his own

stealerthief - a criminal who takes property belonging to someone else with the intention of keeping it or selling it

Thanks to Margarete she brought up a good point.. you also need " to pack up a first aid kit with a thermometer, ibuprofen, bandaids, tums, throat lozenges, antibiotic ointment and cold meds all in a plastic shoe box. With this kit, when you get sick in the dorm you won't have to run out to get anything. You can tuck into bed and have everything you need all ready. Oh and don't forget the Purex Laundry Sheets"  yes she is right don't forget this and also add  Baby Wipes  for every day use just in case the restroom is out of tissue and my Favorite Lysol wet Wipes.. you can never be too clean, use them to wipe your desk and anything that you might want to disenfect.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Pallet -- Pretty Pinks

This is one of my favorite things. I love this Eye Shadow Pallet I had this for a Long Long time.. But I have not had the time to play with it. So this weekend that is what i am going to be doing.. I love it and I purchased it from coastalscents .

So I just started my seaprincess_accessories on Ebay.. Yeah!!! 

I am selling my Pretty Handmade Ribbons. So please feel free to look for me over there. I would really appreciate your support.

Here are some examples of my Items

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hello Kitty

I am so in LOVE with my new Necklace.. OMG!! its so adorable..... Princess Hello Kitty!!! gotta Love it.. Also I started selling My Handmade Hair Ribbons/ Clips .. will post Pictures and Link.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wishing for a day at the Beach

So I am dreaming.. like always of the outdoors.. I wish I was there, sitting and just looking at the Beauty of the sea and having the sun kiss my hair and my skin.

But I am no where near the beach and I know for a fact I won't be getting any sun.. I feel like I should be one of the vampires in Twighlight .....

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The great outdoors!!!

So I will be blogging about random stuff.. so please bear with me.. my mind is a strange thing and it goes places with out my full consent.  Today was a long day at work. As as much as I am grateful to have  a J O B . I much rather be doing something else other than work.. work work.. 

So I love the out doors and nature and I am working in a building on the 23rd floor in an office cubicle that looks more like a small closet that Carrie (Sex in the City) would say it was very very inadequate to hold her Blaniks.. but I am there 40 hours a week , yup 40 hours of my life are spent  caged up. 

So when I can I like to go outdoors and take pictures of what Nature has to offer. Here are just a few of my pictures.. yes they are all my picture.. I have to figure out how to put a watermark on them, but till then enjoy.

On Creativity.....Only When I am sad I am at my Best

The interesting fact is that we are all equipped with certain gifts, talents we just don't use them as much as we should. NOT Until we are SAD =(....... LoL

That is my story..So I am a creative individual so I have been told.. by friends ,professors and I think I am .. but I am also a Procrastinator and I don't use my talents. See this this blog is a perfect example.. how I got started blogging.. I have been trying to do it since a long long time.. I just never got to it.. Well not until today. All it took was to get DUMPED!! =).. LOL. and all my creative juices just started flowing and I found myself with a lot of time in my plate and a lot to say. I just became another artist who has to suffer with some sad moment in order to achieve creativity. So I have been painting , drawing and even making hair bows.. that I will sale .

And all it took was for me to be sad.. and the worst part is that I love the fact that I have become so motivated that if being sad is what it takes to achieve creative genius.. all I have to say is.. SIGN ME UP!!

WELCOME!!! - Life, Love and Loneliness

Welcome to My World...................

So as I sit here setting up this blog spot, I feel like I have so much to say and Not enough time to say it.
I am going through a difficult time right now... all caused by my own actions.. you see I am a person that thinks too much and I have never allowed myself to do things just on gut feelings. I constantly think and rethink things over and sometimes, I think myself into not taking chances.. so that's why I sit here.. living my most recent days of life , alone and thinking about love. You see I had someone ( my JZ, he is gone , hopefully not for good) who loved me.. hung around me for years waiting on me to decide if I wanted him to be in my life.. well I thought and thought too much with my brain and did not think at all with my heart, that's what I have done all my life and now I realized that sometimes we have to take chances and sometimes we need to listen to our hearts a bit more than our brains. See that's the only way to learn . I have cheated myself out of learning so much by always thinking before I act, that kept me out of a lot of trouble but it also kept me sheltered and did not allow me to learn and experience new things. Remember the best teacher of all time is making mistakes.. if you never make mistakes you will never learn anything.