Since as long as I can remember there is one thing that I always told myself.. Don't make a Promise if you don't intend to keep it.
Speaking with my nephew and niece , I was reminded how intelligent we are when we are children. How even as a Child we know the meaning of a Promise and how important it is for us to for the person who made a promise to keep them. Little things such as promising to call and say Good night. Or promising to spend time with you.
As a Child I grew up away from my parents, for reason only they knew they were no longer living together. I was 2 years old and I was living with my maternal grandmother who raised me as her own. I knew my father and I would see him every 2 weeks. My mother was just a distant memory.. I saw pictures of her , but I could not remember her ever being with me. But Life was good.. I do know that my mother sent money and clothes and when birthdays came around I always had new shoes and dresses. Specially those puffy "look at me I should be on top of a Cake dresses".
And I was told they came from "mommy" who was living here in the U.S. and I was back in El Salvador. Yes I am not born here , I migrated to the states when I was 5 years old. Anyways my mother had promised herself to give my grandmother and me a better life than the one she had. And maybe as a child and a teenager and even now I sometimes have a hard time understanding.. But I must confess that I appreciate all the hard work that "mommy" did to give me a better life.
She had made a promise and I finally understand that sometimes LOVE is demonstrated in many ways. Some give hugs , some give kisses, some give life, and others give Dreams.. but just a few Give away their dreams to make ours a reality.
So to My mother I say "Thank You" .. for giving up her dream to make sure that I was able to dream.
She tells me she wanted to be a Nurse, but honestly I thing she could have been a Great Surgeon.. She is a strong woman , handling cuts , blood and all that stuff that makes me dizzy admirably. She is such a strong hearted person that I can bet she would have been a wonderful Doctor and not just a Nurse. But mother had to work to help her mother at the ripe age of 8 years old.. My nephew is 8 and I would not even let him go to the store alone..let alone work.
She tells me how she had to grow up fast and I see why she lacks certain skills that other mothers have.. and I fear that if i ever have children i will also lack them. not because we want to , but because we have never experienced them first hand. But all in all I love my Mother and I would not change her for the World.
She has made me into what I am today =)...mmmm she might not like to hear that.. But I do.. I consider myself a good person with a good head on my shoulder and a good heart. So if I am ever blessed with a child of my own.. I want them to be able to say the same about me..that I say about my mom.
I am sharing all of this because August is my mothers Birthday Month..YEAH!!!! and I am getting ready to celebrate her 63rd birthday. So I wanted to share what I appreciate about my mother, I think I will post something new every day. Sometimes we might not know how to show our parents that we love them... sometimes we might not have pretty words.. but we Do Love them.. as crazy as they may drive us.. I know I love them..
I am who I am because of them.. and I am happy with who I am . That speaks volumes!!
love your self and your parents cherish the moments that you have and forgive the wrongs that they do.. we are not Perfect.
xoxo sea =)
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